Status update
Demolition Unit 1 East coal Bunkers and Coal Transfer Towers E & F
On Monday (10 April) the Eastern Coal Bunker, Transfer Towers E & F and associated connecting conveyors at the Northern Power Station site will be felled utilising small cutting charges. The charges are designed to weaken the structures enabling a controlled fall in a specific zone. Specialist company Precision Demolition has been engaged by Flinders Power’s alliance partner McMahon Services to undertake the activity which will be similar to the felling activity conducted successfully last month.
Monday’s activity will ensure the safe and efficient demolition of the structures to a height that will then allow conventional demolition processes to occur. Flinders Power and McMahon Services have coordinated the demolition with the relevant government agencies and emergency services to ensure the highest safety and environmental standards.
Detonation of charges will be audible within Port Augusta and Stirling North and it is likely that some coal dust will be generated during the felling process. While dust mitigation controls will be put in place, coal dust may be visible during and after the event.
Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent dust from leaving the site.
The demolition is planned for Monday (10 April) at 9am. If weather conditions are unsuitable, the demolition will be delayed.
Long Term Ash Storage Area Program
- The EPA has approved the rehabilitation plans for the ash storage area. Work on applying topsoil continues so that it is in place in time for native vegetation to be established in the coming months.
- The construction process has progressed to the fifth of a total of five “access fingers”. Water and Bon-Matt HR is used as topsoil dust suppressant.
- Ten trucks, a PistenBully machine, two D6 dozers, two D7 dozers, one 30t excavator and one 45t excavator continued operating placing and spreading topsoil onto the ash storage area surface this last week.
- There has been almost 292,960m3 of the required 450,000m3 top soil carted to the Ash Storage Area since the commencement on 4 January 2017.
- Dust monitors remain in operation to provide real-time data for monitoring and reporting.
- Flinders Power has established a Community Reference Group and has engaged industry professionals communikate et al to manage the Group’s operations. This Group will meet on 11 April 2017.
Polishing Pond
Flinders Power personnel continue to monitor the polishing pond for odour with a coating of odour suppressant applied on Monday 20 March 2017.
Augusta Power Stations Site Enquiries
All public enquiries may be directed to Flinders Power by:
Telephone: 0419 252 760
Additional information can be found at
Please Note: The ash storage area progress reports are issued weekly. Special bulletins/media alerts may be issued from time to time when conditions or circumstances demand it.
On January 4 this year, Flinders Power commenced the aerial application of approved suppressant (used with success internationally in environmentally sensitive areas) on the ash storage area to replace dust suppressant impacted by severe weather. The company applied suppressant to the ash storage area late last year to prevent dust being emitted in windy conditions. The suppressant had been effective as an interim dust control measure prior to the commencement of permanent rehabilitation activities. However, bad weather had impacted – negatively – on what is normally an effective ‘treatment’.
The aerial re-application of suppressant at the Augusta Power Stations’ ash storage area was completed Tuesday 25th with a final inspection satisfactorily completed on 30th January. The inspection concluded that the works are complete and a good seal has been achieved, with no areas noted for re-application.
Following the installation and commissioning of two new continuous dust monitors at Lea Memorial Oval and Stirling North, a total of five monitors are now in operation. These monitors provide a real-time record of fine dust particles in the air.
A long term solution for the rehabilitation of the ash storage area has commenced and involves the application of topsoil, seeded with native plants and grasses, which will cover the entire ash storage area. The application of topsoil over the ash is considered the most effective process for the long term management of the area. This work will continue over the next six months with appropriate mitigation measures to be used to manage dust that may be generated during the topsoil application.
Community Information Session
Following a community information session in Port Augusta organised by the Environment Protection Authority, Flinders Power identified the need to improve communication to the broader community regarding their work on site. In response, Flinders Power has engaged communikate et al, a South Australian communication consultancy, to recommend effective communication strategies and bring together key stakeholders and members of the community to form a reference group.
The purpose of the reference group is to:
- Establish regular dialogue between Flinders Power and key stakeholders
- Identify key topics and areas of interest and / or concern that need further explanation
- Influence the nature and extent of communications to the broader community
- Understand opportunities and constraints with respect to the demolition and remediation works
- Provide a forum for issues to be raised and addressed.
Over recent weeks, Flinders Power has made contact with a number of people in the community who have voiced concerns about the rehabilitation of the ash storage area in particular. Through these contacts Flinders Power has developed a list of potential reference group members. The first meeting will be held at the Standpipe Motel at 7pm on Tuesday 11 April 2017.