Status Update re: Augusta Power Stations’ Site – 19 May 2017

Status update – 19/05/2017

Long Term Ash Storage Area Program

  • Carting of top soil was halted on Tuesday morning due to the windy conditions – and all work was postponed on Wednesday due to heavy rain. Work recommenced today (Friday) with the spreading of topsoil by the dozer fleet. However, there is still no safe access for trucks due to the slippery conditions.
  • The construction process has progressed to the fifth of a total of five “access fingers”. Water and Bon-Matt HR is used as topsoil dust suppressant.
  • Seven trucks, five D6 dozers, one 30t excavator and one 45t excavator are available to place topsoil onto the ash storage area surface.
  • The PistenBully has returned from mechanical repairs and is working well.
  • Dust monitors remain in operation to provide real-time data for monitoring and reporting.
  • There is some self-germinated foliage appearing on the ASA surface where the top soil has been placed.

Polishing Pond

Water in the polishing pond has increased following the recent rains. Flinders Power personnel continue to monitor the polishing pond for odour.

Please Note: The progress reports are issued weekly. Special bulletins/media alerts may be issued from time to time when conditions or circumstances demand it.

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