MEDIA RELEASE – 9 November 2017
Successful Demolition of Northern Power Station Boilers
The landmark Northern Power Station boilers were successfully felled at the Northern Power Station site in Port Augusta this morning.
The two 10,000 tonne structures were demolished at 9am using charge-cutting explosives.
A spokesperson for Flinders Power said that following today’s event, further demolition of the boilers would continue as planned using conventional demolition processes.
An amount of dust was visible at the site of the demolition, which settled on the site.
Flinders Power would like to thank its alliance partner McMahon Services, demolition experts Precision Demolition, Flinders Power staff and Emergency Services for their contribution to the safe and successful felling.
The company also wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the thousands of dedicated and passionate people who designed, constructed, operated, maintained – and now demolished – these landmark structures over the past 30 years.
MEDIA ENQUIRIES : Chris Rann of Rann Communication 0418 832 512 For queries on the decommissioning of the Augusta Power Stations please refer to the Customer Information Page on the Flinders Power website or contact the Flinders Power information line.
Flinders Power Information Line
Telephone: 0419 252 760 (leave a message with your query and contact details and your call will be returned)